Year : 2015 .
Location : Cologne, Germany.
Credits : D.G.O. Lammers, Rob Willemse , Ralph Brodruck.
Program: Elementary and Secondary Schools, Canteen, Kindergarten & Library.
This project has gained recognition and was supported by the community, the full story can found at
This project is not only dealing with the grand layout or great monuments or details but also
deals with the in-between realm with an interest in the city, history & sociocultural life.
This Project try to give answers to problems facing our contemporary cities such as differing
buildings scales, the meaning of buildings & the relationships between buildings.
Symbolically, This project creates an interplay between the past, the contemporary and the timeless, a scent of the past and architectonic language of the future.
It involves a spatial experience that creates a gesture and a journey involving body and
memory conveying symbols and meanings.
Architecturally, This project gives a place for kids and community, a home and a world of opportunities, an initiative & a prototype for the possible ways for the treatment of the deteriorated conditions of the building’s inner core.
Invited to engage in the opening event of the presentation of the St.Open projects "We came upon your engagement with Klingelpützpark via your sketches of Educational Wells Distribution, eventually as the winning architectural plan and its realization in the areas of the park. We are interested in you due to the materialization of your imagination and skills as an architect, as well as your effort and labour in altering the social-material space of the Klingelpützpark and its story" Sina &Selma