Role: Interior Design | Hardscape.
Year : 2017.
Location : Cairo, Egypt.
Program : Residential.
Client : Private.
An existing American Country style villa. The task is to design the interior & outdoor hardscape.
Hardscape :
In correspondence to the interior re-design, a number of circulation scenarios are introduced separating the family, guests & service circulation.
1- The basement level is dedicated for guests, a generous staircase leads the way to this level and gives it's entry a similar level of importance as the main entrance.
On one side of the basement , in relation to the reception area, an outdoor area is introduced to liberate this side of the facade enabling a full height glass window. This area is connected to the garden via transitional stairs passing through playful flower boxes.
2- The ground level is 1.35 M higher than the garden level, a no of platforms are introduced to liquidate the height difference and to create smooth circulation experience.
Two terraces are introduced in connection with the interior spaces, views"pool" & sun oreintation introducing a summer and winter terrace.
A no. of relaxing areas are introduced for a variety of activities .
extracting from the country style the use of raw materials , the interior uses crafted design elements & materials to create authentic experience that complements the outer building style.
The materials used include: wood as natural structural and design element . This allows us to bring nature back into our interior environment with it's warm glow. Wood is used in different forms and manifestations either in the exposed ceiling structure, wooden column partition, ceiling cladding and furniture pieces .
A general attention is paid to the details and connections, for instance, the window frame at some parts is connected at it's sill level to a wooden deck that gives space for seating, display and storage.